Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wilted Spinach Salad Recipe

We think this dish totally meets our need for the old-fashioned, wholesome diet that we occasionally seek. (yeah... we want to eat healthy, but we don't always stick with it...) Spinach is rich in calcium and potassium which are great for controlling blood pressure... (even though we haven't had a problem in this area yet....).... And mushrooms are good for ??? We don't know yet... may be you can tell us.... We think throwing in just a little bit of egg and a little bit of bacon crisps won't hurt. Afterall, our bodies all need protein to function, right?

Boy, this salad really tasted wonderful. It was easy to make and it's pretty filling. We were told that in the 30s and 40s, this salad was a popular dish served in elegant restaurants in America. The tuxedoed waiters back in those days flambed the dressing ingredients and tossed the salad tableside. Wow, we can imagine what an entertaining scene it must be.... We had never seen waiters made this salad at the tableside. As a matter of fact, we had never even seen this salad on the menus in the restaurants we visited. Fortunately, we can make this tasty salad at home with little effort, click here for the recipe.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Szechuan Grilled Flank Steak

This flank steak recipe is featured in the 3 Books in 1: Chinese, Thai, Japanese Cookbook, how do you like it? Click on the picture to get the recipe.